articles, quilting

The Quilt Life

Every once in a while the quilting stitches line up and opportunity happens and making the most of it is delightfully essential.  The first issue of The Quilt Life was published in April by the American Quilt Society.  As this new venture was promoted on The Quilt Show I hesitated to subscribe for a variety of reasons.  Am I ever glad that I did!  It’s unique and fun and filled with great tips for quilters.

In the October issue of The Quilt Life I have a short article on mini-groups on page 84.

I’m in 2 mini groups and am working with a couple of friends forming a 3rd.  Each one has it’s unique characteristics and I’m thrilled to be part of them.  When I started writing this piece I contacted several people in the mini groups asking them why they joined or why they started the groups.  Then I went hunting around a bit and found that lots of guilds list the mini groups on their websites, particularly the larger ones. Enjoy the piece!

The article on mini groups is my second article.  I’ll have an article in the upcoming International Quilt Festival Quilt Scene.

Happy quilting!


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