garden, photos

The New York Botanical Gardens is a sweet place to visit.

In spite of the Hurricane the rose garden looked amazingly good.

Both my sweetie and I had our cameras and with great memory space we both took a lot of pictures.

This bee waited just long enough for me to snap it’s pic.  The bees were out!  Loads and loads of them getting ready for a winter that seems to be starting already today.

From the Rose Garden we went over to the Japanese exhibit in one of the main buildings.  Not only did they have the


mums well trained once again.  I’m always amazed at the level of work someone is willing to put into training the mums.  Knowing what the level of work I put into my quilts I see how much time and effort goes into these displays.

On the way over to the Conservatory for the exhibit we spent some time in the the Herb Garden & Perennial Garden absolutely fascinated.

This grasshopper posed for me.  I’m realizing now the grasshopper is upside down.  It was there for several minutes as I tried to get a good shot.  I did not know that grasshoppers have yellow appendages.

As I peruse these pictures I’m grateful for the opportunity to have this amazing Garden here in NYCity not too far from my home that I can enjoy.  I love flowers and am inspired by their shapes and colors for some of the quilting I do.  There are so many shapes that can be incorporated.

Then there’s color too.  Oh the color.

The color is so important.

Warm & cool colors work together.  I’m not sure I could appreciate one without the other.

The blue in this bird of paradise just makes the orange brighter and the whole flower stands out, fully stands out against the brownish greens behind it.

The bright green of the leaves let the deep red of this flower (sorry I don’t know what it is) stand out.  The deep red heightens the brightness of the green leaves.  The colors complement one another.

While I’m not particularly fond of what follows I love autumn.  I love the bright colors of the leaves and the crisp texture of everything.  Staten Island Sunset will show that appreciation in a way that is different from how I used color in Twilight in the Bronx and Moon Over Manhattan.

Joen Wolfrom has been sharing her color knowledge on her blog.  One of my earlier quilts is inspired by Joen Sharing her color knowledge on Simply Quilts so many years ago.

One of may favorite tidbits to share with students is color shading.  The entire lily here is pink from top to bottom.  It’s all in the shading of that pink that creates the beauty and light in the flower.  I can hardly wait to incorporate fuchsia and several other shades of pink into the next quilt.

Happy Autumn!




9 thoughts on “”

  1. Teri,
    Thanks for the beautiful pics. I’ve never been to the Botanical Gardens, can you believe it? Thanks also for Joen’s addy; she’s so great with color.

  2. Thank you for the glimpse of nature’s beauty! Having been up close and personal with many grasshoppers, I was quite aware of the unique colours found in them! I so love the autumn colours! I love the beauty of a naked tree, with arms exposed and thrust toward the heavens! Don’t get me started!

  3. Oh, Teri, what have you done to me? I went over to Joen’s blog and saw those beautiful fall quilts, and they inspire me so…to do scrappy quilts, which are so much harder (but just LOOK at the results). I have now subscribed to Joen’s blog…maybe instead of trying to be a quilter, I should just be a looker.

    Not that YOU don’t inspire me, but you’re a little more controlled! 😉

  4. I too have always loved the Botanical Gardens. When my kids were small it was one of my favorite places to take them.

    One of my quilt “Bucket List” projects is to do a quilt inspired by the Garden. But I’d also love to see a “quilts in the garden” type of exhibit held there too. I think New York weather may be too unpredictable for it though.

    Thanks for the link to Joen’s blog, I didn’t know about that one and have always found the quilts she highlights in her books inspiring.

    1. I hear ya Vivian, the Botanical Gardens are so inspiring.
      I’m getting Joen’s new book as soon as I can!
      Joen inspired one of my quilts already…I’ll shoot it as soon as I can and post it here.

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