
Here’s something very cool

I’m in the process of interviewing Jake Finch and the interview will be up later this week or early next.  Just need to work on a few details.

Jake let me in on a little something that now I can share with you:  Generation Q is working on becoming a real in the hand magazine!  Jake, Melissa, Megan & Scott are launching a capital raising campaign to get the magazine started.  How cool!  I’ll be pledging soon.  Check out this site for more information on how you can be in on the start of a new, tres chic quilterly magazine:



Happy Quilting!




2 thoughts on “Here’s something very cool”

  1. Teri, Sounds exciting. Wish I could come. Not this year but maybe next. I am even canceling out on going to Lancaster this year because something came up, so I won’t see you there afterall either. I thought when one retired they had more time rather than less….LOL.

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