
Rulers with a domestic Sewing Machine

Road to California update. As I write this i’m at the end of my 2nd day of teaching. Today’s class: Let Your Foot Loose be Fancy & Free was a great class. I’ll be bringing one of my student samples home as I just loved her design, she was willing to go along with me and will show you in a few days. On my way to the convention center this morning I stopped, put down the box of magazines down – kind of spilling them out in a most decorative way, and took a photo of the mountain and the sunlight hitting it that just made my heart sing. I managed to post it to Instgram. Today (as you read) is Go Mini or Go home! 

The other day Lisa and I posted that our video is edited. Before we posted Lisa wanted to make sure I’d watched the vid so in between things here in California I watched and enjoyed each moment. It’s casual, Lisa and I had a conversation as I stitched. In part Lisa asking questions and in part our interaction with one another.
Thanks once again to Rob and Judy from Olde City Quilts for allowing us to use their space. I love that the sound of the long arms being used is in the background.

Lisa is an absolute pleasure to work with. We have plans for world quilting domination. No, no not domination. No. We do have plans to shoot more vid.
Have a fab day!


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