2017 Word of the Year, Uncategorized

Word of the Year and a little more



Gratitude is my word of the year for 2017. Contemplating over the last few weeks what the Word of the Year might be “gratitude” kept coming to mind in the midst of many other words. Creating a word cloud seemed appropriate and fun. There may be a few words added as the year goes on simply for the exercise in thinking this over. 2016 has presented a lot of personal challenges, some of which have kept me from pursing teaching quilting in the way that I would love to do. I’m grateful for this as it has given me time to reflect on the classes, descriptions, and how I’m getting the word out. I’m still working on the wording but feel free to check them out here.

lunar eclipse blood moon
Ever inspired by the moon, the Robert Kaufman Radiance is pressed, and sitting on my ironing board. Eagerly  awaiting for the time to select batting, thread, and get started stitching. 

As much as I disliked pushing the pause button on a couple of major “I really want/need to do this” things in 2016, I’m grateful that the door is still open to them when time is available. Knowing that pushing pause left the door open didn’t make the decisions easy, nor did that lessen the angst about growing the career I’ve wanted in quilting for a long time. Expressing a desire to give up to a good friend recently, helped me to realize that giving up isn’t something I want to do. Quilt teacher brain kicked in this morning with a “hey! have you thought of offering this?” This is a two or three day class that begins with inspiration, goes through drawing/doodling, fabric, batting, and thread choices, and ends with a quilt. This feels like a bit of a feat, however I think presented retreat style, a class like this might will work.

2017 may present some time to finish a couple of things that have been in my sewing room for a while. One of them I know I’ll need to get thread for, oh darn, right?! This one has the request for glow in the dark thread. I’ll get cones. Shocked? Yeah, me neither. The other two are for amazingly special people in my life. One for a long time friend, who started the blocks years ago and asked me to finish it for her. The other that I designed for one of my nieces, working on it intermittently. This will open the way for other quilts that are rattling around in my brain. And maybe quilts that will lead to being able to pick up one of the projects that I needed to drop.

I’m grateful for my sweetie. The ever supportive, and willing to stop at any quilt shop along the route. Twenty-four plus years gives a lot of counting of the ways and I just love him.

So, I welcome 2017 with my arms as wide open as possible, with gratitude. I look forward to further reflection on 2016, growing in gratitude in 2017 and the journey forward.

Happy Quilting!



5 thoughts on “Word of the Year and a little more”

  1. Great word. Mine is “compassion “. There are so many people that are fearful, hurting, dazed, and just don’t know where to begin to make their life feel right. So, I’m getting my head out of my world and keeping it fine tuned to others around me so I can offer guidance,assistance,or any thing that would take the fear away. This year I’m focusing on the needs of others as my needs are abundantly met. First off, I’m downsizing at home and finding people that need what I don’t. Win for us both. Then, I’m going to have an impromptu class at my home to teach my friends how to sew things besides Quilts. 2017 will be my year of service and return the love I’ve been given.
    Happy New Year to you and I hope your dreams come true.

  2. Gratitude is a great positive word – to look for the good in situations and events. I hope your plans to teach quilt classes move forward in 2017. I’m hoping to teach a patchwork class at a local quilt shop, I know it is quite a job to sort out the class notes and pace the class correctly as well as coming up with an original design.

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