#imagine, 2020 Word of the Year, Color Thread and Free-Motion Quilting, machine quilting, quilt, quilting


The possibilities are endless, the potential is great, and I’m looking forward to figuring it out. Things are up in the air at the moment, and while there is nothing I can do about the up-in-the-airness of it all I can imagine, and dream. This is a reference to a potential home in Texas and we’ll see what happens given our current situation.

In the middle of all of this quarantine and isolation, and packing I’ve renewed my membership to The Quilt Show, and have watched quite a few episodes. I was an early adopter of The Quilt Show back in the day, and life circumstances have prevented me from being a consistent member. As an aside they are offering a discounted membership so this is not only a good time to become or renew a membership which gives you access to every single show they’ve made. Through the blogs I met Keith Dommer who made a huge difference in my teaching and quilting life. While perusing the show lists I happened on the Value of…Value. One of the coolest episodes I’ve watched, in part because the information is invaluable. See what I did there? One of the things I frequently point out when doing my On the Fly Color class (explanation in my upcoming book) is that there are often shades and tones in a fabric that give us options for adding that sparkle to our quilts. Michelle explains how she uses value to achieve beauty in her quilts, and includes a simple exercise that we can do any day of the week to help us understand value, and the relativity of color.

Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero shared this video on Guard Hope by Sean Tucker. I didn’t know him before Jeanie shared this video. After watching I needed to sit with it for a little bit before I could comment on her post.

Just like an amazing Scripture or a quote from a book reflecting before commenting is sometimes necessary. My response to Jeanie: I needed to sit with this before commenting. He’s right we need to Guard hope with great intention and fervor. This guarding of hope is akin to giving and protecting our hearts. We give of our hearts in the sharing of our work, it is an act of vulnerability, of joy, of hope. Guarding hope allows us to see that the loneliness of our isolation will soon be over, that we can follow our passions anew, and dig deeper in love/charity.

When I get to unpack and get some stitching time in we’ll see what new class comes from this time wherein quilting is not really possible.

Debby Brown has a new podcast. Give it a bit of a whirl. This week Joliene Williams is her first guest, Joliene tells us of being a quilting cave dweller, so in Lord of the Rings lingo she’s a Dwarf like Gimli. Or a Hobbit, either way you go she quilts underground.

Imagine, as this is titled, is my 2020 word of the year. I could not imagine this version of 2020. I’m trying to acquiesce to the time I have to pick what goes with me, and pack what makes the most sense. Letting go is not particularly easy but it is fruitful and an amazing gift. And so I go to pack and paperwork, and imagine quilts and a studio space and actually moving.

Here’s to quilting friends! May the stitches you take now lead you to glorious places.


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