beauty, fabric, learning, quilting, Superior Threads

Modern Quilt and Serendipity As Well

But not necessarily in that order.

Here is the finished Serendipity As Well.  I popped it into the mail yesterday and by the end of the week it should be in MA, it’s new home.  When I started Serendipity As Well the intention was to make a small quilt for Pokey Bolton’s new office at Quilting Arts.   It’s also the 2nd in a series of smallish silk quilts.  I’m not sure when the 3rd one will be started I have several other projects to work on in the meantime.

The picture of the back of the quilt is turned the wrong way.  I need to fix it at some point but right now…blogging is a better idea.

In the last few weeks I’ve started an “artists” resume and it’s got me thinking about changing how I present my “style” of quilting.  That and a conversation with my friend Anne.  Until recently I’ve said, “short attention span quilting” which seems to have and evoke a sense of negativity which I do not want to .  When I’m quilting, sitting at the machine listening and moving there is a deep sense of freedom that comes along with the process.  As I teach the process of machine quilting that’s truly what I hope to instill in my students, a sense of freedom and joy.  Also that there is a lot of work that goes into developing skills as a machine quilter.  As I developed skill, as a quilter develops skill there is that sense of delight and freedom that comes over time and brings a great sense of joy in the process.   The “Serendipity” series is all about that joy, about enjoying the creative process and letting the quilting be the feature.

And here is how serendipity works as well – when I started quilt making nearly 18 years ago home decorating fabric samples is what I used to make those first patchwork place mats for my sisters wedding.  The silk pieces are no longer used home decorating samples from a co-worker.

Modern Quilt

“the fun quilt” is the title of this 15″ x 18″ quilt that will travel with a number of other NYC Metro Mod Quilters quilts with the Original Sewing & Quilt Expo.  I’m going to have to get to one of the shows sometime next year to see it hanging.

This quilt could be part of the “Serendipity” project.  I started out with the black & white circle print and the print with the blue background thinking I would limit the quilt to the two prints.  As I cut, stitched, repeated working toward seeing what would happen if I realized that something wasn’t quite working for me so adding fabric & color were important.  The first fabric, the hot pink, still not quite enough.  Then I added the batik stripe and finally the Moda print.

When I finally finished with the quilt top it was much larger than what it needed to be so some trimming was in order, but what to trim?  Rather than making the decision at that moment I chose to wait until I had a good bit of the quilting complete.

And here is where I finished.  Just needs a binding, sleeve, label and some editing of text that will accompany this and done.

It’s been a fun process, hence the name “the fun quilt”.

Just have to add that I am so grateful to my sweetie for encouraging, supporting and encouraging my quilt making journey.

Happy Quilting!


5 thoughts on “Modern Quilt and Serendipity As Well”

  1. I love your quilting. It’s fun to see how the color of thread completely changes the color of the fabric. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Superior Threads

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