
Mickey DePre – Pieced Hexies

Throughout the day today I unstitched a border on a quilt that is going to have a due date very soon.  My finger and thumb are a bit sore.  “A seam ripper is a quilters best friend” being one of my quilterly mantra’s that I’m embracing whole-heartedly today.

In a mid afternoon facebook visit I “liked” one more of Mickey’s pieced hexie designs.  I’ve loved these all the way along.  Part way through making all of these pieced hexies Mickey realized she has a book.  So hexing, writing and graphics ensued.  Who knew that hexies could be so fun?  Well Mickey figured it out and here is the cover for “Pieced Hexies: A New Tradition in English Paper Piecing”

So this afternoon when I commented I asked Mickey to send me a few photos and I’d blog about this new book.  She did and I’m so thrilled that I can share all of this with you.  I’ve very much enjoyed watching this book blossom and seeing Mickey’s enthusiasm for this never wane along the way.

The book can be pre-0rdered through Mickey on her website.

As the title says pieced hexies are a new tradition in English paper piecing.

One look at the rosettes and you see why! The different varieties and color choices will have you hexing away the day.

This is a portable project that will make good use of your scraps and your friends scraps too.  If you have a friend like me I’m more than happy to share my scraps with you.

The sheer variety of  quilts that can be made from this “new tradition” is just mind boggling.  Turn it this way, turn it that way and voila a new block and an amazing quilt that is unique to your scrap stash.

Mickey is taking bookings for classes based on the techniques.  If your guild has lots of hand piecers or hand piecer wanna-be’s have Mickey come and teach.

Happy Quilting!


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