articles, beauty, quilt shows

From the Dutchess County Fair and the Sunset

The Dutchess County Fair is one we attend every year.   One of the main reasons I attend this fair is the quilts and the other hand crafters.  I like to see what quilters are doing and how the other crafts, particularly since I’ve started knitting, are faring.  The fair usually has a grand selection of quilts and some very knowledgeable quilters at the ready to welcome people and share their knowledge.  For some reason the selection of quilts has been reduced and the quilters seem to have been put in the corner.  I don’t get it, quilts/quilting is so much more than what little was on display.  My guess is that this is not the quilters doing, not by a long shot.  I do hope the powers that be do a little research on the quilting community in general and restore the quilting/needle arts to a larger area!  The quilt in this photo is by Karen Abramson.

That said we visited the horticulture building shortly after seeing the quilts.  I took a lot of photos of the dahlias.

One of the dahlias reminded me of a Chihuly glass piece.


Ok there was more than one dahlia that reminded me of a Chihuly glass piece:


And probably this one too.

These are just simply amazing flowers and the exhibit was exquisite.


As I looked over the dahlias this deep red, almost black flower caught my attention.  I’m still captivated by the depth of the color.  I almost want to send it off to Superior Threads to see if they have a color just like it that I can get.  It’s so striking and would look great on 3 quilts that I’m currently working on.

I’ll end with this sunset tonight and will update again in a day or two.  Tomorrow is quilt, quilt, quilt!  As we drove home tonight down the every windy Taconic I had an idea for the next round of quilting that I need to get done tomorrow.  I think these beautiful flowers and the sunset inspired me!


Happy Quilting!


3 thoughts on “From the Dutchess County Fair and the Sunset”

  1. We went to the Bridgewater CT fair last week. I was disappointed with the small number of quilts there. There were some beautiful quilts, just not very many and not really well displayed.
    Our future showed some promise: A lovely and simple lap sized quilt by a 10 year old was a blue ribbon winner. A little decorative machine quilting with mostly stitch in the ditch on a single large friendship star.
    I bit my tongue not to chastise one viewer of this quilt who mouthed off that it wasn’t a quilt…it wasn’t finished. She opined that the decorative machine stitching wasn’t quilting and she seemed unaware of the SID quilting. Again, what if that child was standing nearby….or that I were the quilter’s gramma?
    Enough soapbox!

  2. If I remember right, commercially quilted quilts are not allowed. So, that may be the reason for fewer quilts-more people using longarmers.
    I hate the Taconic! Especially the part near Peekskill Hollow Rd. Most of the accidents on that parkway happen near that exit.
    I think you should submit your idea to Superior. Bob is always saying they want interaction with all of us. What is there to lose?

  3. I had to look twice at that third dahlia, to see if you had slipped a Chihuly piece in.
    That sunset is amazing!! One thing about a beautiful climate is a lack of dramatic sunsets.

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