life, photos, quilting

Breast Pockets for Melly

Well, a breast pocket for Melly.

It all started this morning when I wanted to avoid a bit of stuff I need to do.  I can put it off til tomorrow anyway.

I also declared today a jammies day and an extra coffee day.  All in all a good day.

I hooped up some orange hand dye from Rainbow Dyes near my hometown with a bit of wool batting acting as a stabilizer.  The hoop is made by Bernina to fit under the foot.  The back of the foot will fit right onto the edge of the hoop giving a 1/4″ boundary.


I stitched and stitched and stitched.   And yes that is a pin head next to some of my stitching.  As I stitched this out Karen McTavish’s comment about how domestic machine quilters have the micro stitching down in a way that, she believes, long arm quilters aren’t able to achieve.

And then I stitched some more and after a while I wrote words.  It’s supposed to say “embrace femininity all ways” and I dropped an “r”.  I’ll recover it before it gets sent.  Or we can say embrace with a New England or posh accent.

I do like stitching in the hoop for little projects like this in part because I don’t like having boundaries in my stitching.  I know, I know it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but there ya have it.

At some point I rehooped and stitched some more.

And then I took a flying leap and declared the hoop stitching done.

I added a back, a pocket flap a bit more stitching and voila a breast pocket.

I’ve had 2 friends in the last 4 years have to go through having breast cancer.  There are similarities in their approach and big differences in their approach to dealing with their breast cancer.

What matters most to me, is that it’s an honor to be friends with both Melanie and Susan.

If you have a chance Melanie has a goal of 1000 breast pockets.

I’m dropping this in the mail to Melanie tomorrow.

Happy quilting!


5 thoughts on “Breast Pockets for Melly”

  1. terryknott – I enjoy the process of making a quilt from start to finish. It is fun to use a variety of fabric types from batik to Civil War reproductions--although not in the same project! I ALWAYS have more projects started than I finish these days and I'm trying to turn those works in progress into finished quilts.
    terryknott says:

    Pretty darn cool! I was thinking about making today a jammies day just because it drizzled all day long!!!

  2. jansmusingagain – Northampton United Kingdom – Hmm what do you say about yourself? I am a Quilter. I just love to Quilt for myself and others. I love fabrics and threads, simple things, but they make me very happy.
    jansmusingagain says:

    What size do these have to be and is there a tutorial on the shape please. I would like to make one or possible two and send to your friend. I too have had friends diagnosed with this. Many thanks for the heads up on it. from Janet across the Pond.

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