Kaleidoscope Collections, Quilt Fest, quilt shows, quilting

Quilt Festival

I feel so blessed to have made it to Houston this week.  Because of my sweetie’s schedule I ended up at the airport at 5:30 AM and managed to get on the very next flight out of town – the first flight out of Newark since the beginning of the storm.  Thinking I would not make it to Houston I didn’t pack the supplies necessary for my time in Open Studio however I did bring the samples I made.

This and a couple of others were finished.  I gave one to Cheryl who works in Jeanie’s booth, it said ‘Bang Head Here” and had 3 layers of batting.  Two others were put up for the mug rug swap including the one on the right here.  I gave “homework” to my Teachers Pets Maggie and Frances – for them to finish at their leisure.  These are a great way to practice machine quilting, they’re fun and can be done in a short amount of time.  I’ll be making more samples and posting them over time.

On a side note: I really wanted to have Tilde with me in Houston.  I mean who wouldn’t want to share the quilt that just won them a first place ribbon?  Keith and I were discussing getting the quilt to Houston in time for the show.  It became apparent that I wasn’t sure when I’d get there, if I’d get there with all three of the major airports closed.  I’m closest to LaGuardia and they weren’t going to open until late Thursday and that being the case, well you get the picture.  I didn’t want to have Tilde sent and place the responsibility of the quilt and  for getting the quilt back to me on any other person in the event that I didn’t get to Houston.  I very much appreciate everyone’s understanding.  I am going to pick up Tilde this morning on my way to work and will have it for my upcoming visit to the Courthouse Quilters.


Jeanie had this beautiful smile on her face in spite of being wicked tired.  We had a bit of fun and thanks to the lovely quilter who offered to take our picture.

Texas is a big state, they do quilt shows on a grand scale.  Tomorrow I will show just a few of the quilts I was able to see and take photos of.  Weirdly my camera didn’t make it out very much.  I know right, I take pictures of everything.  Let’s just say my level of awe over the sheer enormity, my excitement for just being there, the sense of relief for getting there and the love of quilters just overwhelmed me.  A couple of times I headed over to the Brother Sewing room and just chatted with Paula Reid when she wasn’t helping students.

This trip along with the Portland trip confirmed for me that I need to focus on some serious writing and work toward getting the book that I’ve been muddling around in my head and on my computer written and published.  Part of me has been fearful that it wouldn’t be successful  and I need to let that go and just make the commitment to get it done.

More coming soon!


2 thoughts on “Quilt Festival”

  1. It sounds like a wonderful show and I’m so glad you made it there. I love that picture of you and Jeanie in front of your quilt. I encourage you in your book project! I’m a good one to do that…my youngest son is a writer. LOL

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