in my opinion

If I were actually writing a book

If I were actually writing a book this:

foreward This is a readable document

might be the forward to the book.  I’d thank a few people as well for supporting, editing and mentoring me along the way.  People that in my everyday life are very important to me and make this book possible.

My sweetie, he cooks, cleans, encourages, stops at quilt shops, drives to quilt shows and offers opinions

All of the quilters who have offered advice and encouragement when I struggled to learn something new

All of the quilters who have taken my classes, I am grateful beyond measure

All of the members of my guilds, I have learned so much from you

The quilters who made the Bi-Centennial quilts renewing quilt making in America, where would we be without you

The quilters who learned how to machine quilt, you are my personal heroes

The quilters who have very strong opinions about what is and isn’t quilting – you get everyone thinking

I’m grateful for this quilter who brought her quilt to Houston so we could talk color and design

The quilters who have very strong opinions about what is and isn’t quilting – the thinking, clarifying process continues

Quilters who have allowed me to enter into their quilting process, allowing me to offer them thoughts on how to quilt their quilt – this is one of my favorite parts of class.

Quilters who started guilds and continue to keep them going

Quilters who make quilts for people they don’t know because there is a need

Thank you to the quilters who have challenged me to grow, encouraged me to grow, showed me how to grow

For the fabric designers

pattern designers

gadget designers

article writers, book writers and experimenters; magazine publishers, book publishers, quilt photographers

Thank you quilters who have created quilt shows for hand quilting, machine quilting, art quilting, fiber artists

thank you to those who blog, tweet, facebook, and network in all kinds of ways

Thank you to the quilt historians who keep the memory of quilting alive in our current culture

If you’re wondering if I’d really thank all these anonymous folks, yes I would.  Each one of these people are important –  in a way that is essential to the art and soul of quilt making

So that would be the first couple of pages.

Happy Quilting!


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