Cherrywood fabrics, fun, quilting, Robert Kaufman fabrics

Gramma’s quilt top

As I sit here to write this post the backing fabric for my Gramma’s 90th birthday quilt is in the washer.

I’ll need to do the clip, rip and stitch to piece the backing.  “Clip and rip?!” you say?  Why certainly!  Why would I do this rather than rotary cutting across 44″ of fabric?  Well if you know my voice you would hear me say, “cauze Ihm layzeh”.  Well. . . while there is some merit in that comment, it would be more accurate to say I like to piece backings quickly.  It’s also important to not get that delightful curve in the middle of the fabric.  You know the one I’m talking about, the curve that happens sometimes when the fabric is folded and folded again.  Yes, I do know how to deal with this bete noir of quilt making world however comma I choose to clip into the selvage, rip cross grain to get to pieces the same size.  Clip and rip the selvages off then stitch the backing pieces together.

To top it all off there is a wee bit, oh heck, a lot of ironing.  Starting with ironing those now wonky sides of the backing before stitching.  I’m fine with that I have a great iron that gets HOT!

One thing I did a while back is price those wide backings per yard and YES they are less expensive than the yardage.  While I’m not on an “I need to use up every bit of fabric before I purchase more” kick just yet I am excited once again about using what’s here.  I purchased it because I liked it.  I’m also, weirdly, excited about piecing right now.  I’m not quite sure how to handle this, except to honor it and piece.

A while back I got sample books from our home dec guy.  They’re a light canvas from two different lines.  I liked ’em so I stitched them together and voila! a quilt top.

I’ve had these for a while, sitting on the shelf whispering to me to be used in a quilt.  I’m not sure exactly how I want to use them yet, however they will be used!  I love how they look right here.  There are a few ideas floating around my brain and the answer will come at the right moment.

Those grays are speaking to me for another use as well.  My cousin posted an image of the  moon last month on her facebook page Inescapable Images that I want to play with.  These grays would be simply perfect.  Happy for me there are a couple of shops within driving distance where I can get these luscious Cherrywood fabrics!


Happy Quilting!


2 thoughts on “Gramma’s quilt top”

  1. treadlemusic – A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
    treadlemusic says:

    I stick with the rotary cutter when it comes to such cutting. I have had experience with ripping and there was a weak thread that took off in the wrong direction spoiling the chosen piece. I really don’t find it troublesome cutting across the 22″+ of the folded width. I feel I have a bit more control over the outcome. I know……there are many in both camps!!! Ain’t it great??!!! Hugs…….

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