fun, quilt desgin, quilt shop, quilting

Who knew?

That the quilting adventure for today would include sitting on the floor of the City Quilter with this delightful quilter/artist?  Well it did. Melly and I spent about 2 hours at the City Quilter looking at her printed fabric, talking patterns and trying out solids that might pair well.  I ooohed and ahhed, Oh Melly! and OMG’d my way through the prints she brought with her – I imagine I looked quite in awe of what Melly was showing me.  My oohs and ahhhs caught the attention of one of the employees who came overheard my monosyllabic comments and came to see what rendered me nearly speechless.  She loved them too.  Sigh.

We looked through books and magazines and on the walls of the shop for the inspiration Melly needed.  It’s fun to watch and participate in the process of a quilt coming together.  The solids were quite popular, as they should be, and a quilter welcomed a little input on a quilt she was making for her dad.  She was quite fun and game for bold color.  Melly was game for bold color as well and I can not wait to see the finished quilt.





All that hard slog in the quilt shop left us hungry.  Luckily Eataly is 2 City Blocks away.  It’s lovely.  There is something just simply lovely about well thought out hand crafted food.  Oh hell there’s just something lovely about well thought out hand crafted stuff.  Do me a favor, do something beautiful and hand crafted.

And please do not faint when you read the next sentence I have a vivid imagination and can imagine heads hitting the floor.

I did not purchase anything!

Shocked?  Don’t be.  It happens every now and again.  I’m ok with it.  If I purchased something every time I walked into a quilt shop I’d be shopping 3 times per week.

There’s a new quilt shop opening up in Chattanooga TN.  You can follow the progress of Spool on FB and at the BAQS.

Some days are just fun!


8 thoughts on “Who knew?”

  1. Can you say “green”? That is what solid color I am right now!!! Green with envy! You played with my favorite person in the world. AND, got to see her printed fabrics up close and personal! I am doing the happy dance that you and Melly had a fun filled day together. 🙂

  2. And who knew when I was reading the blog, that this is the artist whose book I am beginning to do some work. It’s a beautiful book with so many awesome ideas. My brain is teeming!

  3. treadlemusic – A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
    treadlemusic says:

    And no purchases???!!!!! Really??? I have never let the fact that my stash is an ever-mounting pile of “someday” beautiousness stop me from at least a FQ buy!!! This is an “over the top” post!! Totally energizing…….I’m off to quilt my day (I hope you are too!!!)……uber hugs………

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