bernina, quilting, Superior Threads

stitching in the ditch

stitching in the ditch
stitching in the ditch
wondering if I’ll pitch
a fit stitching with monofilament
stitching in the ditch

I wrapped the MonoPoly around the bent part on the thread stand

Over the last few days I’ve been stitching with Superior’s MonoPoly on my BERNINA 780.  Everything is working very, very well.  A thread stand sits to the right of the machine and the MonoPoly now comes with a net.  Somehow I wrapped the thread around the the stand and still all of the components: thread, machine, tension still worked.  A few times when I had this happen on the 1080 the needle snapped.  Not this time. 

As I’m working on a few quilts that I can’t share right now I’ll post again when I can. 

Happy Quilting!


8 thoughts on “stitching in the ditch”

  1. I have some of that coming up in my future, also. Your set-up is similar to what I have found works quite well, also. Certainly NOT my fave thing to do but it sure saves on headaches later!!!!! The SID definition is needed on this upcoming sampler type quilt before I get to the ‘fun’ quilting!!! Hugs…….

      1. Is it a triptic? Did I also wee a silver and copper one with it at Long Beach? If I did, t was one of the highlights of the show!!!

  2. OMG! Silver Madonna was wonderful to see at Road2CA this year!!! And I have a picture of Madonna in my box for quilting inspiration for my cross! And why am I focusing on a little sliver of someone else’s quilt in your fantastic blog? I’m sorry…

    1. A triptych is 3 pieces, sometimes 3 saints or a saint and 2 related scenes telling the story of the saint. Like with the icons there is meaning behind each component of the imagery.

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