fun, life

A new reason to love autumn

Well, weirdly my sweetie and I have not seen the exhibit of mums at the New York Botanical Garden.  Weird indeed.  What are we waiting for?  In the meantime our mums have come into just about full bloom.

Along with yellow roses, mums are one of my favorite flowers.  I’m so glad that my sweetie tended them all summer long so that they are blooming so fully now.  It’s a lot of work over the course of the summer and he enjoys gardening.  Thank you!

So that’s reason number 1.  Reason number 2: Fall Quilt Market and Festival in Houston.  This is THE show.  The awe of walking onto the show floor for the first time, into the vendor mall for the first time is still fresh in my memory.  I really want to go to Market however, I am under a hard due date for Jeanie to get Quantum Leap finished so I am going to remain here getting two projects done.

Just as I’d heard about Quilt Festival for years and wanted to go, I’ve been hearing about the Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck for the last couple of years and have wanted to go.  I started knitting about 5 years ago and have recently picked up a crochet hook like it was a long lost friend.  Walking around the Dutchess County Fairgrounds was like walking into Quilt Festival.  I needed a bib and had to keep reminding myself to pick my chin up off the ground.




is this THE show for the knitting/crocheting/felting world.

Yes, I would say so.

This company named one of their yarns Squee!  I’d have to say so.  Can I remember the company? No.  Remember the chin on the floor?

All this yarn hanging around made me giddy.

I looked at these colors and well Squee!

These are solar dyed in seawater. How cool is that?!  I didn’t get any this year however, they are from Maine and I go at least twice a year.  Oh my goodness these colors (a bit washed out in the sun) just screamed autumn.  Swoon worthy indeed.

When I first saw this yarn on the right it was back lit and just glowed.  And it’s orange.  One of my very favorite colors.  I nearly bought this.  Very nearly bought this.  I know I have needles to put it on but am not quite sure I’m up to handling yarn this fine.  And I’d want to make something other than a scarf.

Well then Trish (who I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with) took me to the booth of Tess Designer Yarns. Two words: raw silk.  ‘Nough said.  Silk.  Sigh.

I did get a couple of skeins of yarn.

First: this ball of hand dyed, hand spun gorgeousness that reminded me of the painted desert.  It’s from Navajo Dine Weavings, they had yarn and beautiful jewelry.  There was one piece of jewelry that I wanted.  Guess what color it was?

The second yarn is this hand painted bit of gorgeousness.  The colors are just me.  Browns and oranges with a bit of dusty (think leaves turning red) pink.  It’s showing a bit bright in the picture.  I’m not sure if this is crochet hook or knitting needles.  We’ll see.

And last, but certainly not least…this ball of beauty came home with me as well.  Ally dyes her own fabric…and yarn!  I am so thrilled to get this.  Ally has given me some of her hand dyes before.  I LOVE THIS!!!

Happy Quilting!


2 thoughts on “A new reason to love autumn”

  1. Teri, try this link. They were at the Camden Arts festival…same signage as what you show here. The yarn is wonderful. I wanted to go to sheep and wool as well, but other things called. Maybe next year. Oh, by the way, I didn’t buy any of the yarn either…definitely my knitting does not rate this. And I enjoy what I do with it. Know fabric,,,that’s something all together different. Just ask the ladies in Bath if I pay any attention to the price. Hudson River Chain quilt is coming along wonderfully with all those Civil War Prints. V

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