fun, quilting

Having a productive quilting day

Wake up. That’s always a good start to the day. Particularly important since running a sewing machine while sleeping is hazardous to ones physical and therefore emotional well-being. And then there are the quilts we make while sleeping that are just magnificent. Magnificent!

Have a cup of coffee, or tea. This helps greatly in the whole “becoming coherent” of it all and aids in threading the machine while it’s stitching.

Log into facebook and check up on all your friends, approve friend requests, make witty comments. While perusing facebook remember to make a side trip into Pinterest. One does need further quilterly inspiration.

Make another pot of coffee because you now realize 3 hours have passed and and the energy levels have sunk.

Eat breakfast, no lunch. Both? Oh dear, remember that lunch plans with a friend were made for today and run out the door to catch up on all the latest quilt talk. Buy 3 yards of the most amazing fabric and a few fat quarters.  Shhh don’t tell anyone about the variegated silk thread.

Make a list of all the quilts and projects you want to complete today. This can be done during the first cup of coffee however, experience tells me this is never a good idea.

Realize someone just repinned your pin and get sucked into the vortex that is pinning. Oh and then remember you mean to pin the photo of the quilt you’re currently working. Two hours later emerge with 37.5 new ideas for quilts including three more options for the Competition quilt you’re currently working on.

Pick up your sketchbook to practice the aforementioned ideas. This does get you somewhere realizing that you now need to practice stitching with the new batting and thread you bought at last weeks quilt show.

Now you’re ready to start stitching on your quilt.

But, the whole idea goes horribly pearshaped so you post on a photo  on facebook that the idea seems great in theory but not so much on the quilt.

Ooops look at the clock and realize it’s time to cook dinner for the family and sip a glass or three of an amazing Red Zinfandel from CA.

Happy Quilting!


7 thoughts on “Having a productive quilting day”

  1. yep, been there, doing that right now. lol

  2. Have you been peeking in my windows? I moved my sewing machine so I can use the table to organize fabric and some other stuff…that was two days ago…now I have a miserable cold…must have over worked myself.

  3. Yup…… day, too, if I’m not careful!!! Let the ‘puter be until much later and get to the machine while the creative juices are raging!!!!!!! Hugs…………………..

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