articles, Generation Q Magazine, quilting

Sit down dear friends I have something to tell you

Okay it’s not that serious.
But it’s way fun.



Oh good grief I just have to spill it.


See the logo over there ——–>

the one that say GenQ? Well I am now, well officially on March 1st, working with
GenerationQ Magazine as the
Associate Editor–Online/Special Projects.
I’m really excited.
When Melissa and Jake announced this new venture, Generation Q, I did what I could to support them and did very quilterly like happy dances as they met and exceeded their goals. I’ve love getting the issues in the mail. Oh I could just go on.
Several months ago Jake put out a message on facebook, they were looking for an Advertising Manager. I commented “I wish” and Jake messaged privately asking why not? Long story short, resume, phone interview etc, etc, yada yada, alakazam and ballyhoo. This is right up my tree. So I’ll be blogging and doing some other “behind the scenes” stuff.

And I get to  work with some really cool people.
I’ll still be doing all the other stuff I do, teaching, writing and competing and working at Hartsdale Fabrics.

And Thank you all for joining me on this great quilterly adventure!

Happy Quilting!


27 thoughts on “Sit down dear friends I have something to tell you”

  1. Congratulations! I know you’ll be fantastic in this new endeavor. Wow, now I really can say “I knew her when”. 🙂
    Wishing you all the best, and I’m here if you need anything.

  2. treadlemusic – A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
    Doreen says:

    Wow! Congrats!!!! A new chapter and adventure begins. You will be awesome!!! Will follow along in the shadows…………………..hugs…………..

  3. congratulations I know you will do a great job. I may have big news of my own to share soon too.

  4. big giant congrats! not what I thought, but better!

  5. institchesquilts – I am an obsessed machine quilter, crafter, embroiderer and probably a lot of other creative endeavors I haven't discovered yet. I've been stitching in one way or another since I could hold a needle. Currently I am teaching workshops and presenting trunk shows for quilt guilds and other organizations. If you are interested in a fun, spirited presentation or workshop, email me and lets talk!
    Diana R Annis says:

    Yea! Congratulations! They couldn’t have found a bigger bundle of fun and energy!

  6. RavenSpeak Quilts – I am a quilt artist, author, lecturer and teacher. I love fabric, ravens and picking up shiny stones along the beach… Traveling and teaching about quilt art is a favorite thing to do and I never hesitate to take a detour to go adventuring for I'm always looking for fun and inspiration.
    RavenSpeak Quilts says:

    woohoo!!! congratulations to you & GenQ!!!!!!!

  7. Melly Testa – I am an artist and the author of two crafting books, Inspired to Quilt, published by Interweave in May 2009 and the soon to be released Dreaming from the Journal Page, North Light April 2012. I live in Brooklyn, New York, am married to a beautiful man and pet a great cat named Arrow everyday.
    Melly Testa says:

    Fantastic news. Way to go, Teri.

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