machine quilting, quilt desgin, quilting

Choosing quilting motifs part 3: permission and slack

I considered “When Alex & Ginny met in NY, Beauty Happened ” a learning quilt which allowed me (at least in my mind) the opportunity to treat each block or open space as unique. This “gave me permission” to choose a wide variety of quilting motifs in individual spaces. The truth is if I had to quilt this one again I’d do a lot of the same things.

added the circles and tried to set the points off a bit more to correct the contrast

Why would I quilt in a lot of the same things? Because I played and had fun. I tried feathers and circles and “Greek Key” style and curvy lines and straight lines. I used 2 threads in the needle. I tried following lines and stitch in the ditch. I tried a variety of thread with some pretty decent success.

I tried feathers in a confined/defines space. I worked in bubbles (every day we’re bubblin’) and worked on following the lines that are in the fabric.  I worked at getting the amount of quilting over the surface of the quilt fairly even.

the most challenging block to deal with is that center. There was a long period of time where I’d look at that and have a personal negative reaction. The feedback I was getting wasn’t quite the same thing. The thing is when you challenge yourself to limit the fabric lines and that really bright cream color fabric in the center is the only piece you have left that is big enough to fit the space you just kind of go with it and work out the details later. I really, really wanted to knock back that cream however the cream was having none of it; it’s a bright it’s going to shine like the sun that it is!
In an effort to knock it back I stitched in the blue/orange New York Beauty arc. In the orange I used 2 colors red & yellow giving the impression of orange. When viewed close up the red & yellow are much more clear. As I sit here in the early morning hours my quilterly brain has a different solution but I’m not going back and unstitching all of that Now. No, I am not. And we all know that my favorite phrase is, “a seam ripper is a quilters best friend”.
The back of the quilt is just as pretty to me. The batik is just perfect. Hey fabric designers can we have more batiks like this? I’d love it.  I love the serendipity and the different textures. that are in it. Imagine cutting up this beauty.

Don’t look at the facing. No, seriously, do not, I repeat, do not look at the facing.
You looked didn’t you?
It was the first time I was trying this and I had no clue what I was doing. Can you tell?

Oh there you go looking again.
Oh well, everyone looks at a train wreck 😉

The point of a quilt like “When Alex & Ginny met in NY, Beauty Happened” is to remember to have fun and play. While this quilt did earn a ribbon in a competition that wasn’t the purpose behind the quilt. I knew I was learning. I gave myself some slack here. I had fun quilting this quilt and trying to problem solve what I thought was a challenging area.

I, Teri Lucas being of sound mind hereby give you permission to do whatever you want and give yourself some slack.

Happy quilting!



When Alex & Ginny met in NY, Beauty Happened
Mini Group

7 thoughts on “Choosing quilting motifs part 3: permission and slack”

  1. I think learning to give oneself “slack” is something that has to be practiced in order to achieve the goal. I tend to find the fault of everything I’ve done, or at least its what I point out. Perhaps I would add, its okay to learn while playing. We let the children do that! Yup, sign me up for an order of “slack”.
    Thanks Teri!

  2. terryknott – I enjoy the process of making a quilt from start to finish. It is fun to use a variety of fabric types from batik to Civil War reproductions--although not in the same project! I ALWAYS have more projects started than I finish these days and I'm trying to turn those works in progress into finished quilts.
    terryknott says:

    Playing and having fun. . .quilting should always be about those and you, dear lady, are the poster child for playing and having fun!!!!

  3. treadlemusic – A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
    Doreen says:

    Echo Terry!! I know I have to do a lot of self-talk sometimes to remind myself that I mustn’t take this quilting thing too seriously!!! I do feel that I’m the queen of over-think, sometimes…LOL! Hugs………………….

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