B 780, garden, in my opinion, quilting

Garden and Quilting

Last Monday I posted this photo on my other blog wondering, in part, what would become of this. Would we just take it out because it was so overgrown with suckers? Suckers that we’ve been dealing with for several years now. Trying to keep up after them, ugh. Well, my sweetie does not generally read my blogs so he had no clue that I wrote that. When I got home that night I caught my breath. He’d cleaned the bush up.  And his reward:
Beautiful, fragrant roses with more to come. The bush is happy and so am I. I’m happy because there are roses and my husband took care of this. Have I mentioned how little I like to garden?

We were concerned that the cold winter we had may have killed the Mountain Laurel. Nope, they’re happy and blooming as well. I love the shape of and color of the flowers.
We do have a pretty garden.  Thanks to my sweetie.
Then there’s this. I can not for the life of me remember exactly what this bush is…however I like it for a couple of reasons 1) it has pretty, dainty little flowers all in a row and 2) my sweetie brought it home from one of the local garden places and it was a freebie – he doesn’t know why it was free. It definitely needed some tlc that’s for sure and he’s not yet convinced it’ll make it but I think it will.

I’m working on an interview with Angela Huffman. I promise it will come with a spew warning because I did a spit take when I read the first line. In the mean time Angela has been eagerly awaiting a review that I’m going to surprise her with.
She designed the Quilt Guide Rulers available on her site. These rulers, which come in 2 sizes, are meant for use with a home sewing machine or sit down long arm.  They have a sticky back that grips quilt or fabric to keep a straight line while stitching. The sticky back is cleanable with a little bit of fantastic, a quick rinse and air drying. I have yet to try this part although the ruler certainly needs it.  Angela has a video tutorial for using the rulers.
I like it. Still getting the hang of it, making sure I’m positioned correctly for the line I want to stitch – I’m new to ruler work, if the foot is too close to the edge of the ruler its a bit challenging to stitch but that’s me not the ruler. With some practice it’ll become intuitive.  I just need to give it time. I will be getting the 15″ ruler.
Happy Quilting!


1 thought on “Garden and Quilting”

  1. treadlemusic – A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
    treadlemusic says:

    The learning curve/need/comfort level is so different for each quilter. As much as I would like the 15″ length, I have found that the “Line Tamer” (9″) is easily handled with the Sweet 16. Note: I don’t have a real comparison as I have not used a longer ruler. I love the whole idea behind Angela’s, though. Look forward to your “report”!

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