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Remnants, Fat Quarters, Bits, Pieces

Quilters have this thing for remnants. There exists in the community a myth that remnants, small bits and pieces left over from making clothes, is the traditional way to make quilts. While this is certainly part of the culture of quilting, a “making do” with whatcha got saved from bits and pieces of other things in the sewing box, we know that women bought yardage in a variety of ways including feed sacks. Remnants, bits and pieces can add a dynamic difference in the overall look of a quilts. As a whole cloth quilter they can make great pieces in and of themselves. Depending on what I’m doing I can make smaller purchases. Of course now I’m thinking about companies who make 108 to 112 inch wide fabrics to make a ginormous whole cloth quilt for the book. I think I will undertake this ginormous task however, it will not be for the book. I’m a slow quilter.

Remnants can have a dynamic impact on our world. They can be just the right fabric to add sparkle, and a unique identity to our quilts. We hesitate to use them because they are so precious to us. If we use that one piece we won’t have anything left for the next project. I will explore this idea of a remnant over on A Quilters Heart as there is something a bit more spiritual to it and it has to do with hope and trust.

At Quilt Market a few years ago I received two fat quarter bundles from one of the fabric companies. I love getting these, as the reminders of getting to know the industry in a new way is precious to me. These two fat quarter bundles lived on the top shelf just as pretty as could be. It dawned on me that USING them would be a good thing. Use them I will. I got plans. Small plans. Book plans. Using them for either the fronts of quilts or the backs of quilts because sometimes things have more than one use.

With their fat quarter size they are perfect for shop samples that I don’t have to worry about getting back. I’m kind of on a retreat this week so I’m going to get some writing and stitching done.

Is there anything that you’re holding back from using? Is there some fear attached to using it? Are you waiting for just the right project?

Happy Quilting,


4 thoughts on “Remnants, Fat Quarters, Bits, Pieces”

  1. ellencor – Montana – I am a single, newly-retired, empty-nest, caregiving, midlife woman trying to figure out what the next chapter of my life will be.
    Ellen says:

    Hi, Teri! I just found your site and am enjoying reading back posts. Question: Does Generation Q still exist?

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