machine quilting, quilt, quilt shows, quilting, Teri Lucas, Uncategorized

I don’t get sick often but when I do

It always starts out innocently enough. My sweetie casually mentions, “Hey I think I’m getting a cold.” Okay fine. I can deal. Innocently I pour tea from the half-gallon he brought home. You know the one he drank from. So guess what. Yeah. I got that cold. Only more. Like sleeping during the day, taking cold meds more. Like I’m not going to Church and sharing this with everyone more.

I’m fine now. Really. I am. *cough! cough!*

I’m a little behind but have a couple of days to catch up before the Dutchess Heritage Quilt Show. By the time you read this I will piece and blog for Thursday. It’s a Cotton Cuts Day, this is later than I intended but still on time because I didn’t reveal any secrets ahead of time.

Have you joined Debby Brown for Tuesday afternoon facebook live? She’s so amazing as a person, as a quilter. Debby is a prolific quilter with a precision and speed that comes with designing, testing, and making quilt patterns over and over again. Check out the vid (see link) then head over to her website to vote in Cutie Madness.

Have a Creative Day!




4 thoughts on “I don’t get sick often but when I do”

  1. Brenda @ Songbird Designs – Alabama – I love quilting, embroidery, sewing, and crafting of all types! I also love painting, making music, and being a GiGi! Stop by my website for a visit!
    Brenda says:

    I hope you feel MUCH better soon, Teri! Lots of chicken soup loaded with garlic! LOL

  2. lookoutmountainquilter – Since my wonderful husband bought me a sewing machine 38 years ago, I've been sewing garments for me and my family, and have reupholstered two chairs, refinished a rocker, and stained and finished our dining room set, just to name a few. Can you tell that I like to make things myself? I especially like to create one-of-a-kind gifts designed specifically for the recipient. Starting this website is a way to share with others my passion for quilting, sewing, and making useful things. I'm glad you stopped by. I hope you will visit often. See you again soon! Diane
    lookoutmountainquilter says:

    I hope you get to feeling better quickly, Teri. I look forward to seeing your projects. Your Terificreations are always striking!

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