blogging friends, Teri Lucas, terificreations

And the Winners Are…Drum roll Please

Before announcing the winners I have to show you Nate the Narwhal made by my own hands using the Funky Friends Factory pattern. I really enjoyed the process of making and will make more (with some flavor of Northcott fabric) as time permits. Nate will travel with Professor Platypus until I can return her home to Debby Brown. Debby will be happy to have her home and will probably gift the Professor to one of her adorable grands.

Thank you to the those who commented on the last blog post! I appreciate you celebrating thirteen years of doing this thing called TerifiCreations. I certainly have morphed over the years from making bespoke tote bags to teaching and designing to being a fabric rep. Without further ado Congratulations to:
Paula Moser-Spaulding who won the narwhal; Brenda Barry the Oliso Mini-iron; Karen Altabef the Juniper Fat quarter tower, and to Shelia Drevna who won the Batt Scooters.

Happy Quilting!

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