#imagine, 2020 Word of the Year, beauty, Color Thread & Free-Motion Quilting Learn to Stitch with Reckless Abandon, Color Thread and Free-Motion Quilting, International Quilt Festival, Quilt Market, quilting, Teri Lucas, terificreations

Imagine, Promise, Hope and Quilting

I started writing this post while I was in the middle of moving from New York to Texas. As happens there are often things that crop up that put some posts on hold for a while. I'm going to finish this post writing as I started it But first who ever would have imagined on… Continue reading Imagine, Promise, Hope and Quilting

#imagine, 2020 Word of the Year, Color Thread and Free-Motion Quilting, machine quilting, quilt, quilting


The possibilities are endless, the potential is great, and I'm looking forward to figuring it out. Things are up in the air at the moment, and while there is nothing I can do about the up-in-the-airness of it all I can imagine, and dream. This is a reference to a potential home in Texas and… Continue reading Imagine

#imagine, 2020 Word of the Year, classes, International Quilt Festival, Quilt Market, teaching, Teri Lucas, terificreations, Threads of Success, word of the year, writing

Twenty twenty, Imagine and Beauty

Twenty twenty is off to an amazing start in ways that I'm looking forward to sharing over the next several months. What I can share with you now is that I'm teaching at International Quilt Festival in Houston, I have two classes Beginner Machine Quilting and The Weight of Color (a drawing style class). As… Continue reading Twenty twenty, Imagine and Beauty

2020 Word of the Year, machine quilting, quilt, quilting, word of the year

2020 Word of the Year

The other day I picked up the Teresa Duryea Wong book Magic & Memories: 45 Years of International Quilt Festival as I'll review it soon. Quilt Festival is so much part of our quilting culture now that it's hard to imagine quilting life without this annual event. It is without a doubt a, with this… Continue reading 2020 Word of the Year