embroidery, machine quilting, quilt, quilting, thread

Quilting/Embroidery Problem Solving

The other day I posted this, "While working on some embroidery I thought my machine had a problem. I'd get started stitching and the stabilizer would tear, the thread was building up underneath in a most unbecoming way. Re-threaded, cleaned, oiled, changed the needle, checked the stitch plate. Still happening. I decided to change the… Continue reading Quilting/Embroidery Problem Solving

coffee, embroidery, Floriani, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilt shop, quilt shows, quilting, teaching, Uncategorized

Stay Tuned: a Trip Report

I've traveled to two events for Floriani one about an hour outside of Philly, and the other about an hour from Knoxville. The next Hands on Sewing School is in Binghampton, NY January 5 - 7. These events are amazing from the word go. Kay Brooks teaches so much about stabilizers and how to use… Continue reading Stay Tuned: a Trip Report

embroidery, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, Quilt Market, quilt shows, quilting, Uncategorized

Pixel Party Quilts

Sew Much Cosplay has a new product coming soon that I love! Pixel Party a fusible, wash away stabilizer with a grid printed specifically for 2 1/2'' charm squares. I made two quilts for the booth for Market and Festival. Check with your local Floriani dealer in about a month for Pixel Party Quilt. I… Continue reading Pixel Party Quilts

embroidery, Floriani, machine quilting, quilt, Quilt Fest, Quilt Market, quilt shows, Uncategorized

Happy Monday!

  It's a rainy Monday here in New York. I shadowed at a Floriani event hosted by Sew Right in Queens on Saturday and Sunday. This was my second shadowing event, the first hands-on, so much to learn, and a different style of teaching for sure. These events are project and process oriented. Project oriented… Continue reading Happy Monday!

color, machine quilting, quilt, Quilt Market, Quilted Block of the Month, quilting, Teri Lucas, thread, Uncategorized

September Quilted Block of the Month

It's Still Saturday! Ha! At least for a little while yet. So I've been thinking about this kaleidoscope quilt, how to quilt it and what colors to use. Before I got there bear with me for a moment. https://www.facebook.com/Terificreations/videos/10214339078259258/ Shadowing = learning for me. There are things to do. so watch this space for things… Continue reading September Quilted Block of the Month

blogging friends, embroidery, friends, machine quilting, quilt, quilt shows, quilting, teaching, Uncategorized

September is gonna be fun

Wednesday I leave for the first Shadowing gig with Floriani. In the meantime I've been spending some time learning the software and remembering how to do things on the embroidery side of the machine. I have to tell you it's so stinking cool. But I have to share something with you by way of showing… Continue reading September is gonna be fun

bernina, Floriani, quilt, thread

I like to move it move it

BethAnn arrived home Saturday afternoon, she's a BERNINA 560 E. Yes dear friends E, for embroidery. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYRRQZ1h_rb/?taken-by=terilucas Perhaps a name correction: BethAnne! Get it, with an E. Please feel free to roll your eyes and groan, that's what I'm doing. Over the weekend I've done a bit of quilting, a bit of piecing, and this… Continue reading I like to move it move it

embroidery, Floriani, quilt, quilting, Uncategorized

well, then there was the trip to Oak Ridge

But really I went to Knoxville. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfWlot6h_JM Every once in a while, when I take a trip there is added adventure. Mysteriously my room was not available when I arrived at my hotel very late on Eclipse day. Knoxville was in the path of totality so many people added to the local economy staying in… Continue reading well, then there was the trip to Oak Ridge

Teri Lucas, Uncategorized

Fabulous Friday

Well. This is a bit of a surprise. And it is totally fab-u-lous. Over the last ten months I've been searching for a day job. I've had a few interviews that led to continued looking. Looking is good. Interviewing is a bit challenging. It's weird, I can talk quilts all day long and not get… Continue reading Fabulous Friday

quilting, teaching, Teri Lucas, tutorials


Thread. It's a wee bit of a tetchy subject. Quilters have some serious opinions about a lot of things. That dear quilters is an understatement. I love thread. That dear quilters is also an understatement. I love a lot of thread. There are a couple of things that have become important to me with thread:… Continue reading Thread