Color Thread & Free-Motion Quilting Learn to Stitch with Reckless Abandon, Teri Lucas, terificreations


I am giggling as I write this because it’s just funny. Way back in 2007 I wrote a piece on how to have a productive quilting day. The giggles bubble up as I can see the puddle of blue shampoo seeping under the cabinet in the bathroom, and knew, just knew this was going to take some time to clean up.

My plans Monday included and were not limited to:

  • taking the ornaments the Christmas tree
  • running the self-cleaning cycle for the oven
  • finding the manual for the oven so I’d know what I’m doing
  • running a load of kitchen towels through the washer
  • taking a walk at the local reservoir
  • gathering supplies and filming an introduction
  • making dinner
  • chatting with a friend
  • turning ON the sewing machine
  • going to the dentist

The ideas and plans for the day did not include

  • noticing an odd puddle in the backyard
  • calling my Sweetie in a panic, because
  • the washer floode part of the first floor
  • finding every single towel in the house to sop up said water
  • trying to find all the parts from the carpet cleaner to vaccum water not remembering that
  • we have a shop vac!
  • moving everything from the Hobbit hole into the oh wherever I could find room, including, “Color, Thread & Free-Motion Quilting”
  • moving stuff from our carpeted closet into our bedroom
  • freaking out because the box of my books is IN the Hobbit hole, on the floor sitting in water
  • thinking that it’s stuff, it’s all stuff over and over again


My Sweetie made it home in the longest twelve minutes of this current part of my life. He brought in the shop vac and vacuumed up water as I tried desperately to remember where the rest of the towels were (in the closet on the upper shelf, out of my line of sight) and wrung water out of the towels taken from where he was running the shop vac. My Sweetie moved stuff and stayed over an hour both doing the work and calming me through the panic of the water being everywhere. At one point I remember saying to him that I was going to cancel the dentist appointment scheduled for later that afternoon. No, you go he says.

Why was I going to the dentist you might ask? Well, way back in the late 90’s I learned that if I ever needed to get dentures I would need some work on my jaw to take bone out so the dentures would fit. I have extra bone. I learned this week that the extra bone comes from clenching your jaw. I clench my jaw when I’m sleeping so, night guard it is. So that afternoon was getting impressions for the night guard, which I will add here isn’t particularly fun as I have a well functioning gag reflex.

The tree is now down, Christmas decorations in the attic, the living room nearly returned to the familiar setting. After a quick trip to the gym I will run that cleaning cycle for the oven and enjoy the beauty of a sparkling clean oven. And then some tidy up because a friend is coming next week to spend a few days.

Happy Quilting,


#colorthreadandfreemotionquilting #learntostitchwithrecklessabandon #color #productivequiltingday #godblessthishotmess #lovinghotmesses

4 thoughts on “I had PLANS”

  1. Teri, I feel your pain. I’ve been on a whirlwind ride of interruptions since Mid November. (Nothing involving water… Thank God) One thing after the other with 3 sets of Holidays in the middle. I hope to get back to sewing sometime soon. Crossing fingers.

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