blogging friends, Teri Lucas, terificreations

And the Winners Are…Drum roll Please

Before announcing the winners I have to show you Nate the Narwhal made by my own hands using the Funky Friends Factory pattern. I really enjoyed the process of making and will make more (with some flavor of Northcott fabric) as time permits. Nate will travel with Professor Platypus until I can return her home… Continue reading And the Winners Are…Drum roll Please

character counts, machine quilting, quilt, quilting, Teri Lucas, terificreations

Happy Thirteenth Anniversary to…

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee TerifiCreations started at the dining room table in Americus, Georgia during my first year as a volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. Having easy access to paper, coloring pencils, a few well chosen stencils, a bit of a creative bent and a desire to give unique birthday cards and not a lot of cash made… Continue reading Happy Thirteenth Anniversary to…