bernina, BERNINA Ambassador, machine quilting, quilt, Quilted Block of the Month, quilting, Superior Threads, Teri Lucas, thread, Uncategorized

July Quilted Block of the month part 2

Last week we focused on the "bones" also known as stitching in the ditch. When you're working on a quilt it's not a "have to do" rather, it's a good thing to do. When working on something like @play the bones get stitched as these would be the ditch in a pieced quilt top. Finer… Continue reading July Quilted Block of the month part 2

bernina, quilting, Teri Lucas

Making progress

Every once in a while I have a Southern Comfort Manhattan in memory of my mother-in-law. The other day was one of those days where her memory was very present in my heart. Here's to you Joy! Now back to our regularly scheduled program...QUILTING!I'm continuing to work on "I feel enormous in your Lilliputian world"… Continue reading Making progress