beauty, blog hop, book, Book Review, book tour, C&T, C&T Publishing, color, Color Thread & Free-Motion Quilting Learn to Stitch with Reckless Abandon, Color Thread and Free-Motion Quilting, creative, impractical color wheel, Teri Lucas, terificreations

Color, Thread & Free-Motion Quilting Blog Tour – the next day Oh wow, do you know when a quilt feels like yesterday and it's not, it's three years ago! W O W. I remember making this quilt and going for some particular feel of quirkiness. I'm pretty sure I unlocked quirky there. What I loved about Susan's Hello! fabric line with Michael Miller Fabrics is… Continue reading Color, Thread & Free-Motion Quilting Blog Tour – the next day

Generation Q Magazine, machine quilting, quilt, quilting, Uncategorized

Editors and Publishers Day

Welcome to the 2017 Edition of Editors and Publishers Day 16 December 2017 This day started a few years ago to honor the editors and publishers who work so hard to make the publishing world go round. As a writer please accept my assurances that a good editor will hear the voice of the one… Continue reading Editors and Publishers Day

blogging friends, friends, Quilt Market, Teri Lucas, Uncategorized

Lesson Learned:

Don't mess with Debby's Chocolate Cake. This is by far the most important thing learned at Spring Quilt Market.   Needless to say I handed over the fork in my hand. Luckily I had a bandage in my purse. I was really wanting a Hello Kitty bandage, sadly none was readily available when… Continue reading Lesson Learned:

piecing, quilt, quilt desgin, quilting, Teri Lucas, Uncategorized

In the Zone

Oh. Oh. Oh. So I started quilting yesterday. My husband stood at the door of my studio trying to get my attention. Trying to get my attention. The zone, where fabric, batting, thread, machine, and I are working well together. That moment where creativity and ideas flow. That moment of peace when even the background… Continue reading In the Zone

Generation Q Magazine, Quilt Market, Teri Lucas, Uncategorized

Today’s a GenQ day

It's a weekly meeting kind of day. We talk business, and catch up with each other. We do this during the week as well, however this is focused. After the meeting there are more emails, and phone calls to follow up with much of what we talk about. There are some big things we're working… Continue reading Today’s a GenQ day

character counts, machine quilting, quilt, quilting, Uncategorized

Character Builder: Enjoying my Work

Every time I look at this piece of dupioni I see a dancer, depending on the distance sometimes there are two. Human imagination allows us to look at what is there, see something vastly different that what is intended, and develop our sense of play. This piece started with the feather motif in the middle,… Continue reading Character Builder: Enjoying my Work

bernina, machine quilting, quilt shows, quilting, Uncategorized

QuiltCon East

This morning I'm going to share three facebook live vids. First up ScissorMan Brint Fanizza with a twenty minute tour of QuiltCon. His joy and exuberance, and his love for people shine through. Famore Cutlery is giving away Scissors through Generation Q Magazine's e-newsletter Stashed! The big news is the truly left-handed scissors. Oh my goodness.… Continue reading QuiltCon East

bernina, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, Uncategorized, wine

You should

It's my ninth blogaversary today, therefore it's a great day indeed. Here's a link to my first post. It's been a lovely journey with friends coming, going, changing, the quilt world changing, setting out to grow and teach and be a little more. Funny thing is I still don't know what I want to be… Continue reading You should

quilt, quilt shop, quilt shows, Uncategorized

Pinwheels and Friends Mt. Kisco

ahh I did we are. Two facebook live videos on the Pinwheels and Friends show. The first is set up and the second is the first morning of the show As I talked with quilters yesterday I know one thing for sure...I miss working with each and every one of you in… Continue reading Pinwheels and Friends Mt. Kisco

Generation Q Magazine, quilt, quilt shows, quilting, Uncategorized

I love it when a plan comes together

And then I said to her, "I'm really good at this stuff." Then she said to me, "Yes, you are." But today it got even better because finishing and photography were involved. There will be directions forthcoming at an appropriate moment. Fun and frivolity are involved. stencils, color pencils, and thread! oh my. I… Continue reading I love it when a plan comes together