character counts, impractical color wheel, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilting

Quilts Speak

As I worked on this Impractical Color wheel I learned a little something. Giving the motifs a little room to breathe, at least visually, allows the color to speak, and the piece looks a little less crowded. The transition from red to orange is visually tight, reading as a bit overwhelming. The transitions after that… Continue reading Quilts Speak

Lucy's Nickles, Uncategorized

An invitation

Teaching free motion machine quilting is one of the greatest pleasures in my life. When a quilter relaxes into quilting, the breathing changes, the focus changes, the rest of the group fades from the room. There is a very distinct memory of a quilter doing just this, in the middle of a very busy shop,… Continue reading An invitation

art, quilting, Teri Lucas

Somethings in life are worth the wait

Here it is. "Cutting-Edge Art Quilts" by Mary W. Kerr published by Schiffer .  If you're interested the book can be purchased directly from Mary.  It has that new book smell and sound to it.  You know the one, where ya gotta go get your nose into it.  Sorta like (but not quite) when we were… Continue reading Somethings in life are worth the wait

art, beauty, fun, garden, Superior Threads, Teri Lucas

@play a bit behind the scenes and the full quilt

I'm going to make a bit of a confession here.  It's challenging to admit this because although in thinking about it my facebook postings while I was in the middle of quilting "@play" gave a clear indication of where I was headed at the time.  I kept talking about the quilt as "the unruly teenager"… Continue reading @play a bit behind the scenes and the full quilt