character counts, machine quilting, quilt, quilting, Uncategorized

Character – Lots and lots of Character

Today is a two quilt day, each has character. Dad Would be Honored is the first Feathered Star using Marsha McCloskey's directions I ever made. Most of the quilt is made with dad's ties. Dad himself was a bit of character writing rotten poetry, his preferred place behind the camera - always observing, listening. I brought… Continue reading Character – Lots and lots of Character



I'm not usually at a loss for words related to quilting for this blog. I'm not really at a loss at the moment it's just that the quilting world as it is in my life at this moment is refocusing and I'm slowly wending my way around the quilting world as it is for me… Continue reading Quilterati

articles, gratitude, learning, life, quilting, Teri Lucas

They outta close this bathroom

Tracy Mooney of 3littlebirds posted this blog way back in July on Sexism and Quilting. Tracy refers back to this post by Deanna McCool on men sewing and quilting. Sexism is sexism no matter which way it flows. There's no getting around it, sexism is mean and a form of bullying, it's a way of… Continue reading They outta close this bathroom

Top Ten

Top Ten for Monday

Hey there! It's Monday. I'm going to my sewing room shortly (after my sweetie makes a delicious french bread, french toast breakfast). I thought I'd do another top ten and today it'll be fabric! Fossil Ferns - I will always love Fossil Ferns by Patricia Campbell with Benartex this was the second mottled/textured line I… Continue reading Top Ten for Monday