machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilt shop, quilting, teaching, Teri Lucas, terificreations

Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain

Over the last few days I've been working on the handout for Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain or The Impractical Color Wheel. One more review and I'm ready to go to print with it. There are options for designing your color wheel from a simple series of circles to a graduated squares.… Continue reading Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain

character counts, classes, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilt shop, Quilted Block of the Month, quilting, Superior Threads, teaching, Teri Lucas, terificreations

Quilts with Character Monday Morning Edition

This Saturday January 20th is Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in your Brain at the Quilt Basket in Pawling NY. This will be a fun class, and not at all scary as we'll be making an Impractical Color Wheel using our own thread, and you'll be able to purchase new thread from the shop,… Continue reading Quilts with Character Monday Morning Edition

fabric, quilt, Quilted Block of the Month, quilting, Teri Lucas, terificreations, thread

During the Blizzard

As the snow fell, the wind howled, and The Lord of the Rings played in the background I took the last few stitches in purple on this version of the Impractical Color Wheel. As those stitches completed, the idea for the next one developed, I made notes in my planner so I'd remember, and went… Continue reading During the Blizzard

coffee, machine quilting, quilt, Quilted Block of the Month, quilting, Superior Threads, Teri Lucas, terificreations, thread, Uncategorized

And then I said, My Brain is a Strange and Unusual Place

Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain is all about well, stitching the scary stuff in your brain. Okay, this isn't so much scary for me as it is fun, and challenging. Sometimes it's the challenge of figuring out what goes wheres. Sometimes it's the challenge of staying focused while stitching a lot… Continue reading And then I said, My Brain is a Strange and Unusual Place

classes, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilt shop, quilt shows, quilting, Superior Threads, Teri Lucas, terificreations, thread, Uncategorized

Happy New Year!

Why yes! It is the New Year. My Franklin Planner has some ink including the Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain at the Quilt Basket in Pawling. I'm currently working on color wheel number two: red/orange orange/yellow green next up blue, and that will have some green because I found a spool… Continue reading Happy New Year!

2018 Word of the Year, color, Connect, machine quilting, quilt, Quilted Block of the Month, quilting, Teri Lucas, terificreations

Connect: color

A while back Wednesday mornings meant heading to a local coffee shop for knitting and chatting. This hardcore machine quilter loved the company, and getting out of the house once a week was priceless. It was a way of connecting with friends, and with some handwork, knitting and crocheting. Attending guild meetings, sharing quilt stories,… Continue reading Connect: color

machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilt shows, quilting, teaching, Teri Lucas, terificreations, Uncategorized

Inspired by

Stitching on Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain (alternately known as The Impractical Color Wheel) continued over the weekend with Yellow! Oh Yellow is a happy color that brings much angst to many a quilter. It's warm and demands attention like the sun. There is actually more stitching, however in a desire… Continue reading Inspired by

classes, machine quilting, quilt, quilt desgin, quilting, Superior Threads, teaching, thread, Uncategorized

Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain

So here's a bit o'progress on one sample for the aforementioned class (title). Opening the drawers of the thread chest and grabbing as many different reds as I could find to begin stitching. The cool this is after collecting thread for a few years I have a multitude of reds to choose from. Then again… Continue reading Brain Dump: Stitch the Scary Stuff in Your Brain