articles, gratitude, learning, life, quilting, Teri Lucas

They outta close this bathroom

Tracy Mooney of 3littlebirds posted this blog way back in July on Sexism and Quilting. Tracy refers back to this post by Deanna McCool on men sewing and quilting. Sexism is sexism no matter which way it flows. There's no getting around it, sexism is mean and a form of bullying, it's a way of… Continue reading They outta close this bathroom

gratitude, machine quilting, quilt shows, teaching, Teri Lucas

An unintended quiet time

Whew! there is always excitement in the quilting world and I unintentionally checked out for a while after posting that Nancy Rink's quilts had been stolen. Honestly that theft still makes me a bit queasy. At the same time there was another kerfuffle in the quilting community that just has me heart sick. Then I… Continue reading An unintended quiet time

articles, fun, gratitude, learning, teaching, Teri Lucas

Pondering: inspiration

in·spi·ra·tion - [in-spuh-rey-shuhn]  noun 1. an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration. 2. something inspired, as an idea. 3. a result of inspired activity. 4. a thing or person that inspires. 5. Theology . a. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul. b. the… Continue reading Pondering: inspiration

bernina, gratitude

Whole Cloth Challenge & BERNINA University

Lisa posted some progress on her blog. Yay! She's been having a bit of a tough time with her neck lately so this is a major accomplishment Do you have any progress you want to share? I'd love to see what you're doing and would love to post pictures. Debby has been posting about her… Continue reading Whole Cloth Challenge & BERNINA University

classes, garden, Generation Q Magazine, gratitude, photos, quilt desgin, teaching, Teri Lucas


Over the next couple of weeks I'm going to outline 2 classes, make a power point presentation and get ready for my first (and hopefully not only) teaching gig at BERNINA University. A side note I made Jeanne Delpit (from BERNINA) laugh by telling her I practice what I'm going to say while on my… Continue reading Desire

classes, gratitude, learning, machine quilting, quilting, Teri Lucas

You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be

I know, I know the grammar on that title is pretty awful. At some point in any class I will lean in close to several students and whisper this to them. And yes in a rather noisy room I will whisper or lower my voice enough that the quilter must pay attention to what I'm… Continue reading You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be

Cherrywood fabrics, fun, gratitude, quilting, teaching, Teri Lucas

An open letter to Monday

Dear Monday, Right now the song flitting through my head is "Rainy Days and Mondays" by the Carpenters. I love Karen's voice! Rainy days and Mondays do not get me down though. I love rainy days, they're perfect for going puddle jumping. And Mondays...Monday's hold the promise of a busy full week ahead. Are you… Continue reading An open letter to Monday

B 780, Generation Q Magazine, gratitude, life, Teri Lucas


Well 2014 is moving along at a quick pace. It's the end of April, May is around the corner and I'm taking a moment to reflect and be grateful for 2014. Part of 2014's Word of the Year, Ponder. May brings Quilt Market. This will be the first time I'm attending. This is one more… Continue reading Ponder

gratitude, quilting, Teri Lucas

Productive Day

These fabrics are calling me. Yes they are. I'm thinking another mini/pieced something. Or a whole cloth. yeah that's probably it, or not. Oh I don't know there are so many ideas that ramble through my head that sometimes I feel like my brain is on a roller coaster. I'm thinking thinking thinking then aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… Continue reading Productive Day